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Teacher of the Year (Teachers in Love, #1)Teacher of the Year (Teachers in Love, #1)

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Book Descriptions :

Love: Not as easy as ABC.They were supposed to keep things casual. Who?d expect they?d be schooled in love?Those who can, teach. Marvin Block is one of the best kindergarten teachers out there. And despite his anxiety, Marvin?s life is sweet. He knows what he wants. And what he wants is the Teacher of the Year Award. Not just for himself ? his school needs him to win.Returning from break, the New Year finds Marvin all set to welcome a new pupil to his class. But when Illona walks in with her cute-as-hell single dad beside her, Marvin?s focus starts to slide.Sure, his students always come first, but he deserves to have a life outside the classroom, too, right?As their friendship starts to deepen, Marvin realizes Olan has the potential to teach him things about love he never thought possible. But with the Teacher of the Year award and his school?s future on the line, now?s not the time for anything complicated.Education has always been Marvin?s world. And he needs to keep a cool head .

Book Details :

Author : M.A. Wardell

Pages : 347 pages

Publisher : M.A. Wardell

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 111163227-teacher-of-the-year

ISBN-13 : 9798987787502


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