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Gone to the WolvesGone to the Wolves

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Book Descriptions :

The award-winning author John Wray dives deep into the wild, risky world of heavy metal in the 1980s and '90s. Kip, Leslie, and Kira are outliers--even in the metal scene they love. In arch-conservative Gulf Coast Florida in the late 1980s, just listening to metal can get you arrested, but for the three of them the risk is well worth it, because metal is what leads them to one another.Different as they are, Kip, Leslie, and Kira form a family of sorts that proves far safer, and more loving, than the families they come from. Together, they make the pilgrimage from Florida's swamp country to the fabled Sunset Strip in Hollywood. But in time, the delicate equilibrium they've found begins to crumble. Leslie moves home to live with his elderly parents; Kip struggles to find his footing in the sordid world of LA music journalism; and Kira, the most troubled of the three, finds herself drawn to ever darker and more extreme strains of metal. On a trip to northern Europe for her twenty-second .

Book Details :

Author : John Wray

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 62039317-gone-to-the-wolves

ISBN-13 : 9780374603335


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