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Book Descriptions :

Two best friends. One huge crush. A year that could change everything...A warmhearted, hilarious queer rom-com about what happens when a group of friends are actually brave enough to live the dream and give up their dreary city apartments to buy a house in the country together.El is in a rut. She?s been hiding in the photocopier room at the same dead-end job for longer than she cares to remember, she?s sharing a flat with a girl who leaves passive-aggressive smiley face notes on the fridge about milk consumption and, worst of all, she?s been in unrequited love with her best friend, effortlessly cool lesbian Ray, for years.?So when a plan is hatched for El, Ray, and their two other closest friends?newly heartbroken Will and karaoke-and- Twilight -superfan Jamie?to ditch the big city and move out to a ramshackle house on the edge of an English country village, it feels like just the escape she needs.Despite being the DIY challenge of a lifetime, the newly named Lavender House has all .

Book Details :

Author : Laura Kay

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 62192515-wild-things

ISBN-13 : 9780593470053


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