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You Are HereYou Are Here

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Book Descriptions :

The inhabitants of a small town have long found that their lives intersect at one focal the local shopping mall. But business is down, stores are closing, and as the institution breathes its last gasp, the people inside it dream of something different, something more. In its pages, You Are Here brings this diverse group of characters vividly to life?flawed, real, lovable strangers who are wonderful company and prove unforgettable even after the last store has closed.The only hair stylist at Sunshine Clips secretly watches YouTube primers on how to draw and paint, just as her awkward young son covertly studies new illusions for his magic act. His friend and magician?s assistant, a high school cashier in the food court, has attracted the unwanted attention of a strange boy at school. She tells no one except the mall?s chain bookstore manager, a failed academic living in the tiny house he built in his mother-in-law's backyard. His family is watched over by the judgmental old woman next .

Book Details :

Author : Karin Lin-Greenberg

Pages : 304 pages

Publisher : Counterpoint

Language :

ISBN-10 : 58118307-you-are-here

ISBN-13 : 9781640095434


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