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Same Time Next SummerSame Time Next Summer

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Book Descriptions :

The ultimate summer nostalgia read, about an engaged woman who comes face to face with her first love who she hasn't seen in fourteen years, but who she spent every summer with from age five to seventeen when he broke her heart, calling into question everything she thought she knew about their love story, and herself. Beach Rules: Do take long walks on the sand. Do put an umbrella in every cocktail.Do NOT run into your first love.Sam?s life is on track. She has the perfect doctor fianc?, Jack (his strict routines are a good thing, really), a great job in Manhattan (unless they fire her), and is about to tour a wedding venue near her family?s Long Island beach house. Everything should go to plan, yet the minute she arrives, Sam senses something is off. Wyatt is here. Her Wyatt. But there?s no reason for a thirty-year-old engaged woman to feel panicked around the guy who broke her heart when she was seventeen. Right?Yet being back at this beach, hearing notes from Wyatt?s guitar float .

Book Details :

Author : Annabel Monaghan

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 62980350-same-time-next-summer

ISBN-13 : 9780593544976


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