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By a Silver Thread (DFZ Changeling #1)By a Silver Thread (DFZ Changeling #1)

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Book Descriptions :

A new DFZ series In the world?s most magical metropolis where spirits run noodle shops and cash-strapped dragons stage photo-ops for tourists, people still think fairies are nothing but stories, and that?s exactly how the fairies like it. It?s a lot easier to feast on humanity?s dreams when no one believes you exist. But while this arrangement works splendidly for most fair folk, Lola isn?t one of the lucky ones.She?s a changeling, a fairy monster made just human enough to dupe unsuspecting parents while fairies steal their real child. The magic that sustains her was never meant to last past the initial theft, leaving Lola without a future. But thanks to Victor Conrath, a very powerful--and very illegal--blood mage, she was given the means to cheat death.For a price.Now the only changeling ever to make it to adulthood, Lola has served the blood mage faithfully, if reluctantly, for twenty years. Her unique ability to slip through wards and change her shape to look like anyone has .

Book Details :

Author : Rachel Aaron

Pages : 392 pages

Publisher : Aaron/Bach

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 123245185-by-a-silver-thread

ISBN-13 :


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